What makes our products unique?

  • They are based on the Urfeld-Balance-Theory, which has been in a continuous process of development and independent testing since 1998 and has been proven to work thousands of times over.
  • The products were developed in cooperation with a group that helps electro-sensitive and hyper-sensitive people.
  • Energetic products with a design that’s unique and beautiful: creating a harmony of glass, diamond, acrylic and light.
  • The products are partially created with manufacturing techniques that are thousands of years old and have been recognised by UNESCO as immaterial cultural heritage. Our partners in glass manufacturing have long and proud histories, going back 450 years in the trade.
  • We ourselves have 18 years of experience in advanced manufacturing with glass and natural diamond and with their effects on our energetic system.
  • Our products are compatible with Smart Meters and the newest 5G technology (frequencies ranging from 0,9-5,0 GHz nowadays up to 70 GHz)

Urfeld-Balance-Diamond does not only alleviate symptoms and stabilise our bio-electrical field
in a subtle way, it influences the root causes of electro-sensitivity.
The topic of electro-sensitivity is not generally recognised by mainstream physics or medical science.

Effective products must live up to high standards, even before they’re finished. That’s why we rely on our own manufacturing and on small traditional workshops and regional partners for production and distribution. This is the only way for us to offer products that are all round well-made and authentic.

The development of the technologies on which our products are based began in 1998, when Wolfgang Kühl founded the IFUR institute. You can read about the theoretical foundations, especially the Phase-Border theory, in „Die Feinstoffliche Erweiterung unseres Weltbildes” by Dr. Klaus Volkamer (*1939) and more generally in “The Source Field Investigations” by David Wilcock (*1973), which also provides a vast bibliography with over 1050 scientific sources. Many our products also rely on certain aspects of the 12-dimensional, unified field theory by the German physicist Burkhard Heim (1925 – 2001).

Our customer service will not waste your time with vague, standardised answers for your questions and concerns, but will try to establish a conversation to tackle individual problems fast and to the point, in an open and thoughtful way. We are happy for your feedback and your opinions and look forward to talking with you!

The packaging of our products fits the purpose of protection during storage and distribution. It is as simple, pragmatic and economical as possible and can be re-used in the homes of our customers. We are trying to be mindful about waste creation and encourage you to think about possible usages for packaging materials before throwing them away.

Is there anything to be improved or missing?
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